If You Have Any Work From Home Struggles That Are Not Mentioned Here, Please Share Them In The Comments Below!

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‘a Letter From Working Mother To Stay-at-home Mother, And Vice Versa’ Goes Viral

How Not to Work From Home, According to the Giants of Tech

Ryan Tate

The post has gone viral. In the post, Ee, an Australian doctor and working mother of a four-year-old daughter and baby son, writes two letters — one for stay-at-home moms from the working mom’s point of view, and the other for working moms from a stay-at-home mom’s point of view. It is obviously a topic that hits close to home, since in the introduction area of her blog, she writes, “I constantly grapple with balancing ‘work’, ‘life’ and being a mother.” iStockphoto.com Here are some excerpts from her post. “Working Mum” writes the following, in part, to “Stay-At-Home Mum”: I know you do unpaid work, often thankless work, which starts the moment you wake up, and doesnt even end when you go to sleep. I know you work weekends and nights, with no discernible end to your day or working week. I know the rewards are joyous but few. And here’s part of what “Stay-At-Home Mum” writes to “Working Mum”: I know that when you come home in the evening, your second shift begins. The nay-sayers dont understand that you run a household AND hold a job. You come home, cook dinner, bath your children and read them stories. You tuck them in and kiss them goodnight. You pay the bills, do the grocery shopping, the laundry, the dishes, just like every other mother does.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://boston.com/community/moms/blogs/parent_buzz/2014/02/letter_from_working_mom_to_stay-at-home_mom_and_vice_versa_goes_viral.html

Work from home moms face a juggling act too

<img src='http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/dam/assets/130731210437-01-work-from-home-horizontal-gallery.jpg&#039; width='200px' alt='1. Set a schedule: To work effectively from home, map out your schedule and create a prioritized “To Do” list the night before, says Holly Reisem Hanna, founder of The Work at Home Woman. “That way when you sit down to work, you’ll know exactly what needs to be done.”‘ style=’float:left;padding:5px’ />

Yes, the company is encouraging a return to the office, writing in a memo obtained by All Things D that HP needs all hands on deckto build a stronger culture of engagement and collaboration. But consider the context: Just a few years ago, the company was all but shoving some employees out of the offices by HPs own admission . To cut HPs real estate holdings and reduce costs, former CEO Mark Hurd cut back on physical space, installed flexible office technology and encouraged telecommuting. Expecting a 70-year-old company with a longstanding office culture to maintain its collaborative strengths as its workers were suddenly sent home and set adrift amid spending cuts was not a viable strategy. So HP is, as it explained to the New York Times, making space for people who want to come back into the office, while leaving the old work-from-home policies firmly in place. Yahoo and Best Buy have also bent over backwards to make it clear that their own moves to get people back into the office are attempts to create work arrangements that function better over the long term. Under a series of short-term, underperfoming CEOs, Yahoo had reportedly seen its work-from-home system devolve into an escape from dysfunction at the office, with some employees avoiding doing any work at all or even launching their own startups. CEO Marrissa Mayer has said that by the time she arrived on the scene, employees complained that work-from-home arrangements kept teams from gelling, so workers were recalled to headquarters. But she left the door open for bringing back remote work once the company is back on its feet, saying remote work is not right for us right now . Its possible to build a culture of remote work that allows employees to be more focused, commute hours to be made productive, and managers to clearly shape and see the results. But that requires a healthfully focused company and certain degrees of savvy, engagement, and practice on the part of both managers and workers.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.wired.com/business/2013/10/working-from-home/


Set a schedule: To work effectively from home, map out your schedule and create a prioritized “To Do” list the night before, says Holly Reisem Hanna, founder of The Work at Home Woman . “That way when you sit down to work, you’ll know exactly what needs to be done.” 2. Be realistic: Set reasonable goals about what you can accomplish and how long projects will take, says Alex Iwashyna , a freelance writer and blogger who works from home. “You really have to manage your time well,” she said, adding that something you think only takes 30 minutes could actually take two hours. 3. Be ruthless about your time: Learn to say no, says Holly Reisem Hanna of The Work at Home Woman . This means letting family and friends know you are not available during your “office hours.” No doing laundry or household chores during office hours either, says Reisem Hanna. 4. Turn the computer and the phone off: Lela Davidson , a work from home author and blogger, says her husband is good about reminding her when it’s time to unplug at night. “You don’t realize how many hours you really are putting in and frankly, it’s easier to be here. inefficient because you’ve got that sense that you can do that (at night),” she said. 5.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.cnn.com/2013/08/03/living/parents-work-from-home-moms/index.html